Zak-OTFS Implementation using Time and Frequency Windowing.


Abstract: Zak-OTFS is a new delay-Doppler modulation technique which uses Zak domain basis functions for signaling, and requires a new filtering technique for pulse shaping called delay-Doppler domain twisted convolution (TC) filtering. In this talk, we show how to implement these filters in the time domain and generate the corresponding time domain waveforms. We introduce two general classes of TC filters (Type-1 and Type-2), and show that they can be realized by time and frequency windowing. We then propose practical methods to generate time domain signals for these TC filters. For Type-1, the signals are generated using an interpolation filter. For Type-2, they are generated using a form of precoded OFDM. We show that the Type-2 signals are more spectrally efficient than their Type-1 counterparts.

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