Slot reservation framework for joint flow control and resource allocation in mmWave IAB networks


Abstract: The challenge of cross-layer control in wireless networks is to optimally control flow rates in conjunction with scheduling links. This is an NP Hard problem in general due to the hardness of the scheduling component. It was recently shown that maximum weighted schedule can be computed efficiently in mmWave integrated access and backhaul (IAB) networks due to the tree structure. Hence in our recent work, we have considered the problem of joint resource allocation and flow control for mmWave IAB networks. Our new approach to scheduling is based around solving a minimum clearing time linear program. We develop the Static Slot Reservation (SSR) algorithm which can be described as a book ahead slot reservation system that is completely distributed and solves the minimum clearing time linear program. We develop our approach further in the Dynamic Slot Reservation (DSR) algorithm, by jointly controlling flow rates and slot reservation in a dynamic IAB network with stochastic UE arrivals and departures. The proposed DSR framework leads to uniform end-to-end delays for flows and can also be implemented to provide end-to-end QoS guarantees. In this talk, we provide an overview of our new distributed slot reservation framework.

This talk is based on joint work with Prof. Philip Whiting and Prof. Stephen Hanly.

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