Distributed Resource Allocation and Flow Control Algorithms for mmWave IAB Networks

Published in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2023

Recommended citation: S. Gopalam, S. V. Hanly and P. Whiting, "Distributed Resource Allocation and Flow Control Algorithms for mmWave IAB Networks," in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 3175-3190, Dec. 2023. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/10137766

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Abstract: This paper presents a new distributed slot reservation frame-work for joint resource allocation and flow control in mmWave IAB networks. We derive the Dynamic Slot Reservation (DSR) algorithm from a novel approach to solve a minimum clearing time linear program in a completely distributed manner. The algorithm to solve this problem, the Static Slot Reservation (SSR) algorithm, is also a contribution of the paper. We compare the delay performance of the DSR algorithm with a well known optimal, centralized algorithm, the joint-MWM algorithm, for a realistic IAB network scenario of multi-hop flows. We show that flows that traverse several links have significantly lower delays under DSR than under the joint-MWM algorithm. This paper also provides an instantaneous rate control policy for IAB networks which changes flow rates based on the number of flows at each node in the network. The flow rates under this policy are the same as the steady-state flow rates achieved by the DSR algorithm. We prove that the proposed flow control policy provides stability for all flow arrival rate vectors that are achievable by any flow control policy. This paper provides distributed admission control policies to provide rate and/or latency guarantees to flows under dynamic scenarios with stochastic flow arrivals and changing access link rates.