Preprints & Theses

PhD Thesis : Distributed Resource Allocation Algorithms for Wireless Networks.

Abstract: In this thesis, we present distributed resource allocation algorithms for various wireless networks, which include Heterogenous Networks, mmWave Integrated Access and Backhaul networks. We consider the minimum time clearing objective for resource allocation in wireless networks. The minimum time clearing optimization corresponds to clearing a given set of files at the wireless nodes, in the minimum possible time subject to the scheduling constraints. The optimization is NP-complete in general. In this thesis we consider wireless network models with additional structure arising from the above applications. Based on this structure, we propose distributed resource allocation algorithms which only require local information and which do not suffer from a combinatorial explosion in complexity as the size of the network grows large.

citation: S. Gopalam, "Distributed resource allocation algorithms for wireless networks". Macquarie University, 10-Dec-2021, doi: 10.25949/21321216.v1.

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MRes Thesis : The Minimum Clearing Time Problem in Wireless Networks.

Abstract: The thesis focuses on the minimum time clearing objective for link scheduling in wireless networks. We formulate the problem as a deterministic LP. We relate the problem to other works on capacity and scheduling. In general, the problem is NP-complete. We consider special networks where the additional structure makes the problem tractable. We argue that explicitly solving the linear program is implausible. And proceed to show that the problem is amenable to a greedy allocation scheme that only requires local information.

citation: S. Gopalam, "The minimum clearing time problem in wireless networks". Macquarie University, 16-May-2017, doi: 10.25949/19444397.v1.

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