Greedy Scheme for Optimal Resource Allocation in HetNets with Wireless Backhaul


Abstract: We formulate a linear programming problem to find the minimum clearing time in HetNets. Although this program is NP hard in general, we consider particular topologies that arise in HetNets, including a two cell HetNet and a linear chain of HetNets, both with wireless backhaul, and we provide an efficient, greedy algorithm that provably solves the minimum clearing time problem for these networks. We show how this algorithm can be applied to jointly optimize the ABS time across multiple macros in a HetNet, and we demonstrate capacity gains of the algorithm, compared to standard approaches to Inter Cell Interference Coordination. This paper provides insight into how to manage interference in presence of more than one macro, and how to efficiently operate wireless backhaul in HetNets.

Recommended citation: ‘S. Gopalam, S. V. Hanly and P. Whiting, "Greedy Scheme for Optimal Resource Allocation in HetNets with Wireless Backhaul," 2017 IEEE 85th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2017, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/VTCSpring.2017.8108532.’

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