

General data analysis courses

Data Analysis for Social Science by Elena Llaudet. Source

Regression analysis with nice mathematical explanations and simulations in R: by Cosma Shalizi, 36-401, Modern Regression, Section B. Source

Advanced introduction to data analysis (undergraduate): by Prof. Matthew Blackwell et al. Gov 51: Data Analysis and Politics. Source

Statistical inference with videos on YouTube by Gary King et al GOV 2001: Quantitative Social Science Methods I. Source 1, Source 2

Intro to regression analysis with STATA by Richard Williams. Source

Tidy Modeling with R by Max Kuhn And Julia Silge. Source

Modern Statistics for Modern Biology by Susan Holmes, Wolfgang Huber. Source

Computational Text Analysis by Christopher Barrie. Source

Improving Your Statistical Inferences by Daniël Lakens. Source

Linear Regression. A Visual Introduction To (Almost) Everything You Should Know by Jared Wilber. Source

Sociology Statistics Reading Group by Brandon Stewart. Source

Soc504: Advanced Social Statistics by Brandon Stewart. Source

Statistics 110: Probability by Joe Blitzstein. Source

An Introduction to Political and Social Data Analysis Using R by Thomas M. Holbrook. Source

A list of awesome courses for Computational Social Science. Source

Causal inference

Causal Inference for The Brave and True. Link

Structural equation modeling

Lavaan-e-learning by Kyle M. Lang. Topics: SEM, factor analysis, multiple groups, mediation, moderation, missing data, model selection. Source

Multilevel modeling

Introduction to Multilevel Modelling by Mairead Shaw and Jessica Kay Flake. Source

Multilevel data analysis with R, STATA, and other syntax: by The Centre for Multilevel Modelling at the University of Bristol. Source

Introduction to Multilevel Modelling by Mairead Shaw and Jessica Kay Flake. Source

Survival analysis / Event History Analysis

Survival Analysis in R: Link

Survival Analysis in R and STATA by Germán Rodríguez from Princeton: Link

Interpretation of interaction effects in Cox regression in STATA: Site, Slides


Bayesian Statistics. Independent readings course on Bayesian statistics with R and Stan by Andrew Heiss and Meng Ye. Source

Machine learning

Machine learning. Link:

Machine Learning and Causal Inference by Brigham Frandsen. Source

Machine learning by Professor Yaser Abu-Mostafa, Caltech Link

Data visualization

Data Visualization Using R for Researchers Who Do Not Use R by Emily Nordmann et al. Source

A big book on data visualization. Source

Sequence analysis

Sequence analysis society Link

Summer Schools in Social Sciences and Methods

The Utrecht Summer School. Source

NethodsNET Methods Excellence Network. Source

GESIS Trainings and Summer Schools. Source

SICSS-ODISSEI - Summer Institute in Computational Social Science. Link


The Journeys of Scholars, interviews with scholars. Source